
Statistical Data

Text in [square brackets] can be defined by you, please specify what you want to include here when you select your questions.

This is the code you need to copy into the Essentials form to select this question group

grp_ statd_locuk Location (UK version)

Where do you live? (statd_loc_1_uk)

  • [Missing variable: survey_location]
  • Elsewhere in the UK
  • Abroad

What is your full postcode? This information will only be used for research. You will not be identified, contacted, or added to any mailing lists. (statd_loc_3_uk)

This question has a textbox for an answer

In which country do you live? (statd_loc_4_uk)

This question has a dropdown for an answer

Can you please give me your postcode / zip code? This information will only be used for research. You will not be identified, contacted, or added to any mailing lists. (statd_loc_5_uk)

This question has a textbox for an answer

In total, how long have you been living in %{survey_location}? (statd_loc_6_uk)

  • Less than three months
  • Between three and up to six months
  • Between six months and up to one year
  • Between one year and up to three years
  • Between three years and up to five years
  • More than five years / Since birth
  • I don't know

grp_statd_gen Gender

Is your gender identity the same as the sex you were assigned at birth? (statd_gen_1)

  • Yes
  • No
  • Prefer not to say

How would you describe your gender? (statd_gen_2)

  • Woman
  • Non-binary
  • Man
  • Prefer to self-describe
  • Not applicable
  • Prefer not to say

grp_statd_sex Sex

Are you… (statd_sex_1)

  • Female
  • Male
  • Prefer to self-describe
  • Prefer not to say

If you would like to, you can give a self-description: (statd_sex_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_statd_age Age

In what year were you born? (statd_age)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_statd_dsm Disability medical (UK Census)

Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses that has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more? (statd_dsm_1)

  • Yes
  • No

Do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities? (statd_dsm_2)

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes, a little
  • No
  • Prefer not to say

grp_statd_dsa Disability ACE

Do you identify as a D/deaf or disabled person, or have a long-term health condition? (statd_dsa_1)

  • Yes
  • No
  • Prefer not to say

Do you identify as neurodivergent? Neurodivergence comes in many forms. For example, people with the following may consider themselves neurodivergent: Autism, ADHD, dyslexia and mental health conditions. (statd_dsa_2)

  • Yes
  • No
  • Prefer not to say

grp_statd_sxo Sexual Orientation

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? (statd_sxo_1)

  • Bisexual
  • Gay Man
  • Gay Woman / Lesbian
  • Heterosexual / Straight
  • Queer
  • Prefer to self-describe
  • Prefer not to say
  • I don't know

How you would describe your sexual orientation? (statd_sxo_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_eth_eng Ethnicity England

What is your ethnic group? (statd_eth_1)

  • Asian / Asian British: Bangladeshi
  • Asian / Asian British: Chinese
  • Asian / Asian British: Indian
  • Asian / Asian British: Pakistani
  • Any other Asian background
  • Black / African / Caribbean / Black British: African
  • Black / African / Caribbean / Black British: Caribbean
  • Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Asian and White
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black African and White
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black Caribbean and White
  • Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background
  • White: English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
  • White: Irish
  • White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
  • White: Roma
  • White: Any other White background
  • Other ethnic group: Arab
  • Other ethnic group: Latin American
  • Any other ethnic group
  • Prefer not to say

How would you describe your ethnic group? (statd_eth_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_eth_wls Ethnicity Wales

What is your ethnic group? (statd_ethw_1)

  • Asian / Asian Welsh or Asian British: Bangladeshi
  • Asian / Asian Welsh or Asian British: Chinese
  • Asian / Asian Welsh or Asian British: Indian
  • Asian / Asian Welsh or Asian British: Pakistani
  • Any other Asian background
  • Black / Black Welsh / Black British / Caribbean or African: African
  • Black / African / Caribbean / Black British: Caribbean
  • Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Asian and White
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black African and White
  • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups: Black Caribbean and White
  • Any other Mixed or Multiple ethnic background
  • White: Welsh / English / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
  • White: Irish
  • White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
  • White: Roma
  • White: Any other White background
  • Other ethnic group: Arab
  • Any other ethnic group
  • Prefer not to say

How would you describe your ethnic group? (statd_ethw_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_statd_eths Ethnicity Scotland

What is your ethnic group? (statd_eths_1)

  • African: African / Scottish African or British African
  • African: Other African background
  • Asian: Bangladeshi / Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British
  • Asian: Chinese / Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
  • Asian: Indian / Indian Scottish or Indian British
  • Asian: Pakistani / Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British
  • Asian: Other Asian background
  • Caribbean or Black: Caribbean or Black / Caribbean or Black Scottish / Caribbean or Black British
  • Caribbean or Black: Other Caribbean or Black background
  • Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: Any mixed or multiple ethnic group
  • White: Scottish
  • White: Other British
  • White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller
  • White: Irish
  • White: Polish
  • White: Roma
  • White: Showman or Showwoman
  • White: Other White background
  • Other ethnic group: Arab / Arab Scottish / Arab British
  • Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group
  • Prefer not to say

How would you describe your ethnic group? (statd_eths_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_statd_lng Language

Can you understand, speak, read or write %{language}? (statd_lng_1)

  • I can understand spoken [Freetext: language]
  • I speak [Freetext: language]
  • I read [Freetext: language]
  • I can write in [Freetext: language]
  • None of the above

How would you describe your %{language} language proficiency? (statd_lng_2)

  • Native speaker
  • Near native / fluent
  • Excellent command / highly proficient in spoken and written [Freetext: language]
  • Very good command of [Freetext: language]
  • Good command / good knowledge of [Freetext: language]
  • Some communication skills / basic knowledge of [Freetext: language]

grp_statd_edu Education

And now we would like to know more about your educational qualifications. Where did you most recently attend school / university? (statd_edu_1)

  • In Germany (or East / West Germany up until 1989)
  • Abroad
  • I have not attended school / university
  • I don't know
  • Prefer not to say

And now we would like to know more about your educational qualifications. Where did you most recently attend school / university? (statd_edu_1_uk)

  • UK
  • Abroad
  • I have not attended school / university
  • I don't know
  • Prefer not to say

What is your highest educational qualification (up to now)? (statd_enq)

  • Primary School (Key Stage 1 and 2)
  • Secondary School (Key Stage 3 and 4)
  • 1 to 4 GCSEs or O levels grades (A* to C or 9 to 4), Foundation Welsh Baccalaureate or vocational level 1 and equivalents
  • 5 or more GCSEs or O levels grades (A* to C or 9 to 4), Welsh Baccalaureate Intermediate Diploma, vocational level 2 and equivalents
  • Apprenticeship
  • 2 or more A levels or VCEs or 4 or more AS levels, Welsh Baccalaureate Advance Diploma, vocational level 3 and equivalents
  • Other Higher Education below degree level
  • University Bachelor's degree (BA, BSc, ect.)
  • University Master’s Degree (MSc, MA, MBA, etc.)
  • University Doctoral Degree (PhD)
  • Other qualifications: level unknown
  • No such qualifications
  • Prefer not to say

Which of the following options best describes your highest educational qualification (e.g school / university certificate)? (statd_edu_2)

  • Finished junior school / a primary school / an elementary school
  • Certification from a secondary school
  • Certification that allows you to study at university
  • Degree of a university / a university of applied science
  • Finished a doctoral / postdoctoral qualification
  • Finished other qualification
  • No such qualifications finished

grp_statd_occ Occupation

What is your current occupational status? (statd_occ_uk)

  • Employed: Full-time
  • Employed: Part-time
  • Self-employed
  • Currently unemployed (for less than one year)
  • Currently unemployed (for more than one year)
  • Full time vocational training / traineeship
  • In retraining
  • Full time pupil / student at school
  • Full time student at University
  • Retired
  • Looking after home or family
  • On parental leave (maternity / paternity)
  • Long-term sick or disabled
  • Other
  • I don't know
  • Prefer not to say

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